The Mission Committee brought back the Advent Market on Sunday, December 11, 2022, filling the Great Hall with seasonal items and eager shoppers. The event, chaired by member Holly Grieb, raised $4,500+ for Family Promise Metrowest, Newton Food Pantry, Rosie’s Place, Church World Service, City Mission Boston, Heifer International, and a school in San Juan del Sur.
“I was delighted to see the Great Hall buzzing with excitement, and I was happy that we were able to attract donations for worthy causes,” stated Holly.
NHCC member Liz Ramos was the lucky winner of a hand-built gingerbread house. “I told Fidel that I won something large at church and it would be a surprise when he got home,” Liz shared. “He said, ‘It’s not a dog, is it?'”
Stated Mission Committee chair Kitty Rieske, “A huge thank you to all committee members for your creativity, energy, support, and hard work!” She added, “Thank you for baking, knitting, creating, organizing, setting up, cleaning up, and cheering us on! This event will help feed the hungry, house the homeless, provide education for students, and provide blankets, hygiene kits, and resources to rebuild in a disaster.”

Liz Ramos, gingerbread house winner